Future Week i Pressens hus


Bildet til venstre: Ingvild Næss som er Chief Privacy and Data Trends Officer i Schibsted og leder av MBLs Data og personverngruppe, vil snakke om "Livet etter cookien" og gravejournalist James Ball skal snakke om "How the design of the open internet led to the rise of the cookie".

Som en del av Future Week vil fire sesjoner foregå live i Pressens hus mandag 27. september. Bli med og diskuter bransjens, journalistikkens, medienes og teknologiens fremtid.

Alle Future Week eventene i Oslo er åpne for alle, men av smittevernhensyn kreves forhåndspåmelding hvis du vil delta fysisk HER. Påmelding til live-sendingen HER

Future Week - Oslo programmet:

James Ball: Good intentions gone bad 
When: 27 September, 1.00 PM-1.30 PM

Livet etter cookien (NO) 
When: 27 September, 1.30 PM-2 PM

Show & Tell (NO) 
When: 27 September, 2.15 PM-4 PM 

When: 27 September, 4 PM-5.15 PM


Many members of the media cluster have their headquarters in Oslo. Due to the pandemic, events and physical meetings have been limited over the last year. As society is opening up, we look forward to finally host events at multiple locations in Norway. 

Next week, we are hosting four exciting sessions together with Mediebedriftenes Landsforening at Pressens Hus. It is the perfect location for taking a dive into journalistic challenges and opportunities.

We have invited the renowned investigative journalist and author James Ball. He will explain how choices made in the very design of the early internet led to the rise of private tracking through our browsers and our cookies – despite being intended to do the opposite. This session will be followed up by a discussion addressing the challenges the media industry is facing when third-party cookies are discontinued. Leading this session will be Ingvild Næss, the Chief Privacy and Data Trends Officer at Schibsted and leader of MBL’s Data and privacy group. She will address these imminent challenges the media industry is facing and point out possible roads ahead. 

You will also meet several of the media cluster's most exciting companies and tech startups, and get backstage insight from those who are working with different innovation projects in the media industry. Joining us for Show & Tell will be Web64, Visualyst, Faktisk.no, Factiverse, and NRK. To round up the day, there will be an opportunity for all attendees to mingle, network, and continue the conversation.

Her er din kompelette guide til Future Week som varer fra 27. september - 1. oktober