Ethical Journalism Network om etiske utfordringer i journalistikken


Ifølge Ethical Journalism Networks nyeste rapport om etiske utfordringer i journalistikken, vitner nyhetsåret 2016 om at det må lanseres tiltak for å håndtere problemstillinger knyttet til journalistisk uavhengighet og etikk.

Direktør i EJN, Aidan White trekker spesielt frem sider ved mediedekkingen av presidentvalget i USA, Brexit og den humanitære krisen i Aleppo som eksempler på  at det må utvikles mediepolitiske tiltak for å løse utfordringene knyttet til journalistisk mangfold og uavhengighet.


EJN årsrapport Ethics in the News


Introduction: Truth-Telling and Ethics Remain the Keys to Open Democracy.......................4

Trumped: How US Media Played the Wrong Hand on Right-Wing Success............................6

Media Lies and Brexit: A Double Hammer-Blow to Europe and Ethical Journalism............11

Fake News: Facebook and Matters of Fact in the Post-Truth Era...........................................14

Refugee Images: Ethics in the Picture.......................................................................................18

Five Point Guide For Migration Reporting...............................................................................21

The Perfect Source: Edward Snowden, a Role Model for Whistleblowers and Journalists..........22

Ethical Ground Rules for Handling Sources.............................................................................25

Facts Matter: The Panama Papers Make the Case for Quality Journalism.............................28

Hate Speech: A Dilemma for Journalists the World Over........................................................29

When Media Become Foot-Soldiers On the highest Front line..............................................33

Women in the Crosshairs as Hate Speech Puts African Media Under Pressure....................36

Locusts, Hotdogs and Leftards..................................................................................................39

Turning the Page of Hate: A Media Campaign for Tolerance in Journalism..........................42

Attention Media: There is No ‘HONOUR’ in Killing!................................................................43

Turkey: After an Attempted Coup the Journalists’ Nightmare................................................45


About the Ethical Journalism Network.....................................................................................49

Illustrasjon: / Man_Half-tube